Project #1: Dynamic Compositions


This piece has a very generic focal point. It is located in the center and is guided by a grid-like pattern. The focal point stands out because of its different shape compared to the other details on the piece. The repetition of the square (grid) around the focal point leads the viewer to the center of the piece where the focal point itself is located. This composition is also symmetrical. I believe the drawing does indeed display a confident use of the PITT pens because the composition itself is made up of lines and easy to make shapes. As far as professionalism goes, I believe I did a great job with aligning the composition onto the bristol board and photographing it afterwards. If I had the chance to improve this design, I would really go more into detailing other parts of the composition instead of just drawing the lines that gives viewers the dominant shape (shading/color).


Project #3: Variation of Line


My piece’s focal point is located in the upper left margin. It is emphasized by the other themed lines; they draw your eyes into that section. The repition of my “depressed” lines and “narrow” lines all intersect into the focal point. Another principle of design used was the movement and pattern of the lines… especially the way how they’re not specifically telling you what the focal point is but where. The line quality was made in a way where anyone can guess/assume what “feeling” the line has. I heavily used negative space in this because I feel like if I were to use more lines, it would be hard to figure out where the focal point is. It would also make it look like a generic showcase of “lines”. If I had the opportunity to change this design, I would definitely use the lines to create and abstraction.


Project #4: Directional Dominance


The focal point of this design is located in the left-middle margin. It’s been emphasized by the directional lines across the board. The principles of design used were repetition, pattern, and negative space. All lines are set up to guide you into that section no matter where you land your eyes on the grid. Although the lines may seem perfectly separated from afar, they are actually intersecting and connecting. This design does include a full value range through compressed and expanded space. If I could improve this design I would add more intersection of lines.
